Nickname: Timberwolf Division. . Shoulder Patch: Shows a gray timber wolf head against a green background. Slogan; “Nothing in Hell must stop the Timberwolves.” .. Song: “The Timberwolf Song,” words by Lt. Col. Robert Ingalls and Capt. Gates Pynes. .. Training: Activated September, 1942, at Camp Adair, Oregon. First training was received in the Oregon Maneuver Area, then Camp Young, California, and Camp Carson, Colorado. Maneuvers in Oregon were from September 13, 1943, to November 8, 1943. Trained in California-Arizona Maneuver Area from March, 1944, to June, 1944, returning to original station at Camp Carson, Colorado Overseas training with General Allen. Overseas departure: August, 1944 (ETO). . Commanding Generals: Maj. Gen. G. R. Cook, June 10, 1942, to October 1, 1943; Maj. Gen. Terry de la M. Allen, Oct. 2, 1943, to present. Component Units (As of August, 1944) 413th, 414th and 415th Infantry Regiments; 387th (M), 385th, 386th and 929th (L) FA Battalions. Higher commands (combat): First Canadian Army and First Army. . Awards: Commended by Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins, commanding general of the VII Corps, First Army, for seizing the great industrial area of Eschweller – Weisweller – Stolberg, crossing the Inde River and clearing its entire sector to the Roer River. Distinguished Unit Citation to 3rd Battalion, 415th Infantry Regiment, for action at Lucherberg (Germany), 2-6 December, 1944, and to 2nd Battalion, 415th Infantry Regiment, for action at same place, 2-4 December, 1944. . Combat Highlights Division distinguished itself for brilliant night advance in Germany. The 104th seized the great industrial area of Eschweller-Weisweller-Stolberg. The division crossed the Inde River and cleared the entire sector assigned to it as far as the Roer River. This action involved seizure of Lamersdorf-In-dent-Lucherberg and drew from Maj. Gen. Lawton Collins the foregoing high praise. The 104th crossed the Rhine in the Remagen bridgehead on 22 March, 1945. Inside Germany, the unit continued to operate with the VII Corps, U. S. First Army, making a rapid advance of 193 miles in nine days eastward and north to Paderborn. After reaching the Paderborn area, the drive was resumed to the east in an uninterrupted advance of 175 miles in 18 days. The night fighting specialty of the unit was responsible for a number of articles and stories about the 104th. It was during one of the night actions (against Lamersdorf) that a division hero, Pvt. Robert B. Thompson, distinguished himself. He swam a stream carrying a cable, over which a platoon of Co. O, 413th Infantry Regiment, escaped.