YANK EU 1944 07 28 (PDF)




Vol. 1 No. 18
Hello, France … An Eyewitness report on the Fighting at Saipan ……….. The American troops who wave a greeting from the landing ramp of an LST meet no enemy fire as they approach the shores of France. Comrades on land and in the air, who preceded these reinforcements, took care of that. For more photos from France by YANK’S Sgt. Reg Kenny, see pages 12 and 13. ……….. Articles Inside:
Pacific War Moves Westward — Capture of Saipan, Biak and Numfor changes its familiar scenery.
Saipan was worse than Tarawa / By Sgt. Larry McManus
‘Commando’ Kelly’s Publicity — The Pittsburgh hero’s Infantry company in Italy feels that the papers, magazines and movies at home are making him look silly. / By Sgt. Newton H. Fulbright
Yanks At Home Abroad
Soviet Stop-over
Persian Pentagon / By Cpl. Robert McBrinn
South Sea Rembrandts / By Sgt. Barrett McGurn
The Return of Hot Seat
Walk Through Yugoslavia — Traveling through the villages and over the mountains, a YANK reporter learns to understand the people and has a brush with a German patrol. / By Sgt. Walter Bernstein
Capture of Cherbourg — German artillery hit back and the snipers were thick and persistent as our forces took the great port, their first major prize in France. / By Sgt. Walter Peters
Camera on France — Sgt. Reg Kenny, YANK staff photographer, now with the U.S. forces in France, took these pictures of the continuing Allied stab inland.
Mail Call
Gen. DeGaulle
Sulfa Drugs
Message Center
Free Land in Alaska — There are 160 acres of good earth waiting for you an America’s last frontier.  It’s yours for the asking.  Here is what you have to do. / By Sgt. Georg N. Meyers
The Sad Sack “Specialist” / By Sgt. George Baker
Great Day / By Cpl. Len Zinberg
Strictly GI
Overseas Stripes
Infantry Pay Increases
Paratroop Transfers
Total Army Losses Battle Honors
The Women
Bulletin Board
Fifth Army Thrift
Washington OP
Letter from Home
YANK’s Page of Laughs
What goes on in the Entertainment World back home
Pacific GIs Pick a Band
Coast to Coast
Night Spots
Best team in baseball
Sports: Twelve Thousand Miles From Griffith Stadium / By Sgt. Ed Cunningham
Sports Service Record
YANK Pin-Up Girl – Joan Lawrence