16 pages
30 meters from the Soviet’s positions; photo by Oberjaeger Kempter
Quote by Johann Gottlieb Fichte
For heroism and bravery: German badges and awards and their meaning – Das Eiserne Kreuz (Iron Cross), Das Sturmabzeichen (attack badge), Die Nahkampfspange (Close combat clasps), Panzervernichtung-Abzeichen (Tank destroyer patch), Die Ostmedaille (Russian WInter Campaign medal); Das Verwundeten-Abzeichen (Wounded Badge; drawings by Uffz. Grazioli
Surrounded yet with 5 rounds of ammo left broken out; story by war correspondent Kurt Blauhorn The tank commander (Panzerkommandant); text by Dr. Werner Deiters
Attack on a bunker in woods around the Ilmen Sea; photos by Unteroffizier Fritz Hain
Der Kompaniechef – company leader; story by Dr. Alfred Haussner, photo by war correspondent v. Estroff … Der Geisterpanzer (ghost tank?): story of Oberleutnant Hofmann
History of Sturmpionier (attack engineer) by Generalleutnant Dr. von Schaewen, drawing by Gefr. Werner Kruse
A story about Alois by Dr. Felix Schwellung from Grenadier-Regiment
We want to join the mountain troops (Gebirgsjaeger: HJ train in Salzburg; photos by Oberjaeger Rieder
Wehrmacht ABC: E-Geschuetze, Eiserne Portion, Entfaltung
Soldiers and sport