Vol. III No. 9
Cover: The year 1944 being an important one for anniversaries in The Glenn L. Martin Company, John Gorsuch, New Design, conceived the front cover..portraying the ten most important aircraft built by the Company in the 35 years of its existence. The dominant plane is, of course, the JRM Mars; above it are the PBM Mariner and the B-26 Marauder. Just back of the Mars are the A-30 Baltimore on the left and the famous China Clipper on the right. Further back is one of the most famous of all Martin planes, the B-30 which was purchased by governments all over the world. Still further back are the BM-1, the first Navy dive bomber and the first plane built at the Middle River plant; the MB-2, the Army’s standard bomber developed at Cleveland during World War I and made for several years; and the TT, the Army’s first trainer, built in Los Angeles. In the bottom oval is the first Martin airplane, built at Santa Ana in 1909. ……. Articles Inside: … Pyramid Builder, ’44 Style ( Paul E. Tignor ) ….. Things to Come ….. Baghdad On Middle River – The year 1944 is an important one in the history of The Glenn L. Martin Company, the thirty-fifth year of its existence; the fifteen of its operations at Middle River; the fourth of its famous B-26 Marauder bomber, among others. It’s quite a cosmopolitan center which has grown up around the plants. ….. Martin Teat Pilot Has Flown “Hump,” African Ferry Route ….. New “Home” for the … MARS ….. Action Off Saipan! ….. Star Lighting The Girls ….. Give Us More Like ‘Em! ….. Photo Pages ….. Hobbies – Royal Blood of Turf Flows in Horses Bred By Martineer – Finds Collecting Indian Relics is Interesting Hobby ….. Business NOT!..As Usual – Flak-damaged bombers are not choosey about where they land, so mechanics of the mobile repair units lead a hectic life patching up planes on a beach, in a field or any other inconvenient place. But they’ve saved hundreds of ships and deserve, though they seldom get it, the highest praise. ….. Amateur Baseball World’s Series In Near Future, Hope ….. The Martin Family Album ….. Martin-Nebraska News In Brief ….. Bauxite to Bombers…The Story of Aluminum ….. Marauders Hit Nazis…But Hard! ….. First Brush With Nazi Night-Fighter Won By Marauder ….. “A Star Is Born”