Stuttgarter Illustrierte
5. Juli 1944 Nummer 27 12 Seiten
Titelseite: Nicht für ein Vaterland, sondern für Juda sind sie gefallen …
Eine PK-Aufnahme von der Invasionsfront: Anglo-amerikanische Truppen hatten sich zum Widerstand eingenistet. In harten Häuserkämpfen fielen sie dem deutschen Gegenstoß zum Opfer.
Non sono caduti per la patria ma per Giuda
Una fotografia fatta da un inviato di guerra sul fronte dell’invasione. Truppe anglo-amcricane che si erano annidate per opporre resistenza
al contrattacco germanico abbattute in duri combattimenti stradali.
PK-Aufnahme: ϟϟ-Kriegsberichter Stollberg (PBZ.)
Stuttgart Illustrated
July 5, 1944, Issue 27, 12 pages
Front Page: They fell not for a fatherland, but for Judah
A PK Photo from the invasion front: Anglo-American troops had settled in to resist. In tough house-to-house fighting, they fell victim to the German counterattack.
They did not fall for their country but for Judah
A photograph taken by a war correspondent on the invasion front. Anglo-American troops who had nestled in to resist the German counterattack were cut down in fierce street fighting.
PK Photo: SS-War Correspondent Stollberg (PBZ.)
Michael Wittmann; Hans Hayne, Karl Frydag; Sven Hedin; Anna Dammann; Arno Breker