Stuttgarter Illustrierte 1944 05 03 nr 18 (PDF)


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Stuttgarter Illustrierte

3. Mai 1944          Nummer 18          12 Seiten

Titelseite:  Wer empfängt uns?
Beim Einlaufen in den U-Bootsbunker ist die Besatzung zum Empfang angetreten. Fünf Augenpaare, fünf gleiche Gedanken.
Wer von den alten Kameraden ist da, wer empfängt uns? —

Un sommergibile tedesco rientra nel suo cantiere. L’equipaggio si schiera per presentarsi. Ognuno pensa: quale dei nostri vecchi camerati sarà qui per accoglierci?
PK-Aufnahme: Kriegsberichter Trost

Stuttgart Illustrated

May 3, 1944,          Issue 18,          12 pages

Front Page: Who is welcoming us?
As we enter the submarine bunker, the crew is there to welcome us. Five pairs of eyes, five identical thoughts.

Which of the old comrades is there, who is welcoming us? —
A German submarine returns to its shipyard. The crew lines up to introduce themselves. Everyone is thinking: which of our old comrades will be here to welcome us?
PK Photo: War Correspondent Trost