Stuttgarter Illustrierte
2. Februar 1944 Nummer 5 12 Seiten
Titelseite: Deutsche Soldaten anf Wacht water dem Polarkreis
Nach langen Stunden aufmerksamer Wache wird am Abend Biwak in einer vereisten Berghöhle bezogen. Ueber dem Feuer, das von mitgebrachtem Holz gespeist wird, hängt der Kanister mit Eisstücken, die getaut das Wasser für den heißen Tee ergeben sollen. Ein Schluck Alkohol wird vorsorglich bereitgehalten, um die kalten Glieder zu erwärmen.
Soldati tedeschi in vedetta sul circolo polare. Dopo lunghe ore d’intensiva vigilanza la sera si bivacca fra le rupi ghiacciate dei monti. Pezzetti d’acqua gelata si trasformeranno presto, sopra un buon lucchetto, in tè caldo che, bevuto insieme ad un sorso d’alcool, riscalderà le membra intirizzite.
PK Aufnahme: Kriegsberichter Hirschfelder
Stuttgart Illustrated
February 2, 1944, Issue 5, 12 pages
Front Page: German soldiers on guard at the Arctic Circle
After long hours of vigilant vigil, the evening is spent bivouacking in an icy mountain cave. A canister of ice pieces hangs over the fire, which is fed by wood that has been brought along. Once melted, they are supposed to make water for hot tea. A sip of alcohol is kept ready as a precaution to warm up the cold limbs.
German soldiers on lookout above the Arctic Circle. After long hours of intensive vigilance, in the evening we bivouac among the frozen rocks of the mountains. Bits of frozen water will soon transform, over a good padlock, into hot tea that, drunk together with a sip of alcohol, will warm the numb limbs.
PK Photo: War Correspondent Hirschfelder