Signal English 1944 nr 05 (PDF)



40 pages

Leon Degrelle, the leader of Belgian volunteer Brigade SS Wallonien

Captain Georges C.

Flying Coffins – drawing of downed Anglo-American planes

This concerns you, too! Faces of German soldiers.

Speer visits Dietl

Entienne Lagrange: The white Negus

Torpedo towers – color photo

German mountain troops – color photo

Nevertheless! German science and culture overcome terrorization from the air

Scala – Revue Fantasia

Ingeborg von Kusserow

Professor Dorries

German Stug in Italy – color photo

German tanks on the east front – color photo

Producing AA guns – color photo

Europeans under bombs – a common front against Anglo-American terrorization; engineer Wieslaw Lukomski; two Dutch workers: Cornelius Karstens and Gerhard Dyckgraaf; Eugenia Karpenko, Kelia Serieko, Maria Isvarina and Anna Biskufska; Fremch worker Henri Vanaerde

Marriage with heaven – the first catholic mass in South Germany

Colorful Salzburg – color photo

Ufa star Marika Rokk – color photo

The modern trend in fashion

Germany – Off the Main Roads; with camera and pencil in the corners of small towns

With Radium, clips and weighing balance – science assists nature