Our Army 1942 09 (PDF)


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Vol. XIV No. 9 ……. Cover: Aviation Cadets of the Army Air Forces are shown on our front cover as they pass in review at the headquarters of the Southeast Training Center, Maxwell Field, Alabama. With colors flying and advanced training planes in formation overhead, these thousands symbolize America’s growing power in the air. The cadets shown marching are in the pre-flight pilot stage, where they learn the fundamentals of Army life and the theory of flying while undergoing vigorous physical training. Tantalizingly close overhead they see the last stage – capable flyers, almost ready to receive their Wings. In between they will get 36 weeks of the world’s best trainingas they buckle down to their motto: “Prepare for Combat.” The photograph is special to Our Army, courtesy the Southeast Army Air Forces Training Center, Maxwell Field. …….. Inside Articles: ….. The General Orders ….. Editorial ….. Our Fighting Eagle By Clarence P. Hornung ….. Anaconda – Is It Poker ….. Infantry Tactics By Phil McGee ….. Furlough By Sgt. George J. Becwar ….. Encounter at 4:00 P. M. By Corporal C. E. Kingsley ….. Infantry – Queen of War By Howard Snyder ….. Silly Salvos ….. Badge Of The Wounded By Jasper B. Sinclair ….. Pass in Review by Herbert E. Smith ….. Army Mothers Clubs Proposed By Mrs. Mary C. Thompson ….. Prisoner of the U-90 ( Part III ) By Edouard V. Izac, C.M.H. ….. The Daughter of Armentieres By Jasper B. Sinclair ….. At Ease! By Warrant Officer Irving Israel ….. Them Shrimp is Beans!! By PFC Willard Brown ….. Her Choice By Mary Mabel McClallen ….. With the Army Poets ….. On the Hawaiian Front By K. S. Vandergrift ….. The P.X. Goes Mobile By Private Peter Kirsch ….. Who-What-When-Why-Where By The Sergeant Major ….. Read ‘Em and Weep By Old Sarge ….. Toy! By Corporal Lyle H. Tilford ….. A Jerk in the AEF By Sgt. Irving Israel .. What It Takes…To Make Warrant Officer ….. Keep Your Powder Dry by Walt Munson