16 pages
Schnitzkunstler – making wooden pipes; war correspondent Janz
A word abut war in the air; Dr. Goebbels
Generaloberst Jeschonnek
Farewell from Major Matthias; war correspondent Jeromin, Henkels
Article by war correspondent Karl Klaus Krebs
Fifth Year of Fighting
Stories by Gunther O. Lorenz and Walter Buttner
We are ready in the north; war correspondent Giese
Art and War – Richard Klein, E. Puchinger, Julius Junghanns, G. Ehmig, F. Eichhorst, Leo Poeten ( Oberleutnant Dickfeld ), W. Sauter, H. Schnurpel; photos by Erika Schmauss-Bavaria
Zirkus Renz
Story by Hellmut Boerner
Women help in victory