Vol. 2 No. 11 ……. Cover: The 90 mm gun reaching out into the night sky in this week’s cover picture is one part of the elaborate defense system on a Marianas island. Since marauding B-29’s began their devastating strikes against the Japanese homeland, the Marianas have become prime targets for desperate enemy raids. Sharpshooting defenders of the islands have made these raids very costly for the Japs. Deadly fire from big guns like this one (which has two Jap Bettys to its credit) rakes the entire sky during a raid. The complete story of the island’s defense begins on the next page. The picture is the work of BRIEF Photographer Cpl Lyle D. Strain. ……. Articles Inside: Flash Red Alert – Island defense in the Marianas is a highly organized and split-second affair. Its guns and searchlights have made Jap raids a costly maneuver. By PFC Bud Nelson ….. Criminal Investigation – Hawaii’s Criminal Investigation Section is manned by detectives in khaki. protect the soldier against Army and civilian offenders. By S/Sgt. Joe Whitley ….. One damned island after another. By PFC Bud Nelson ….. Neckties will be worn – Once there was little rank and no formality in the Marianas, but the Army today is slowly falling into all the old garrison customs. Photos by Sgt. Henry B. Crush and Sgt. Ray Turnbull ….. Editorial ….. Forward Echelon – Gen Harmon’s Fighting Facts – Jap Fighters Turn Heat on B-29’s – Singed Heroes – Aching-Back Division – Timber! – Booby Trap ….. The Road Back From Iwo – Bombers and fighters coming back from the Pacific’s most bombed target have found this over-water flight a long and tragic one. By Sgt. Robert O. Frederick and Cpl. Zander Hollander ….. Sports Edited by Zander Hollander ….. File 13 By Sgt. Roger Angell ….. Male Call “As He Was” by Milton Caniff ….. Better than Spam – Marianas Fruits Photos by Lt. Stewart Fern and Pfc Fred Shelton ….. Making like a Mata Hari with the black cape and lace in the middle of all the architectural scrollery is Metro – Goldwyn -Mayer actress Kay Williams. To the obvious question that many easterners will ask about a dish of Miss Williams’ type – “Why don’t we have girls like that back home?” – the only answer is: “Because it’s too cold in the East.” When Kay was younger she used to live in the East. In the winter she had to wear long woolen underwear to keep warm. Then one day somebody found how she looked in a couple of yards of thin chiffon, and she had to go West, where the weather fits her clothes. Now, like everyone in Hollywood, she is fair and warmer.