Reorganization of the Air Forces; The Basic Principles Explained ….. The Tactics Employed in Our Air War Against U-Boats ….. Tips from Veterans on Flying the North Atlantic Route ….. Aerial Photos Demonstrate Bombing Accuracy In Africa ….. Compressibility: Last of a Series on Supersonic Problems ….. Some Sidelights on the Life of Wartime Washington ….. Bomber Pilot Reports on Fighting Japs and Germans ….. Survivor of a Northern Crash Tells a Story of Endurance ….. The New Organization Chart of the Army Air Forces ….. Notes on Air Forces Stations in the Caribbean Area ….. Analyzing the Physiological Effects of High Speed Flight ….. What That Useful Lingo Called Pidgin English Is All About ….. A 37-Year-Old Graduate Tells His Story of O.C.S. Miami ….. How to Keep Healthy in the Burma Theater of Operations