Louis Allis Messenger

The Louis Allis Messenger is one of the finest corporate publications we have ever seen. The Louis Allis Company, provided many types of electric motors to the war effort, such as the Dust Proof, Slip Ring, Lo-Amp, Shaftless, Explosion-proof, and Splash-proof motors. The Allis’ motors saw a great deal of service in U.S. Navy ships and in return was rewarded with several “E’s” for production excellence. Each issue, edited and prepared by Van B. Hooper, was a dedication to our National Ideals of Country, Family, Church and Service. Produced bi-monthly, the 8-1/2″ by 11″ format magazine often contained richly decorated historical and religious prints, plus poems, stories and an ad or so for their motors. A particular print in one of the magazine’s issues was an inspiration for Father Flanagan of Boy’s Town, “He ain’t heavy Mister – he’s m’ brother!”