YANK US 1944 12 01 (PDF)




Vol. 3 No. 24

Fancy Dress in Florence … How One Infantry Company Changed in 4 Years ……….. In Florence, Italy, two GIs compare their ODs with the pageant costume of a Florentine. He is tricked out in the half-armor of a 15th century guard. The GIs are M/Sgt. Curtis Stephenson and 1st Sgt. G. W. Johnson, photographed in the Piazza Signoria by YANK staff photographer, Sgt. Steve Derry.

2d Battle of Philippine Sea

Advertising has Gone to War

Books In Wartime “ASE”

How Japs Treated the Filipinos

My Old Outfit – 30th Infantry

Philippine Invasion Items


Text of Communique No. 168, Describing U.S. Navy Victory

The World is too much Water ( Fiction )

Verdun – Then and Now

Camp News

Mail Call



The Poets Cornered

Variety Show

Yank Pin-up Girl : Selene Mahri