Vol. 3 No. 16
A YANK Artist’s Front-Line Sketches From Guam
Cover : Souvenirs From Burma
At an air base in India, Sgt. Earl Rivera pokes his head out of a bamboo hut and displays souvenirs he picked up behind enemy lines in Burma. He wears a Jap field cap, holds a small antipersonnel bomb in his right hand, a pilot’s “honor dagger in his left. At his elbow is a piece of a Zero
Company B carries on
Did I Ever Tell You?
Driving Through France
Patriots’ Funeral
Pyle Goes Home
Sketches of the Guam Campaign
Stilwell : The GIs’ Favorite
Study in Sound
UNmilitary Training
Camp News
Mail Call
The Poets Cornered
Yank Pin-up Girl : Elaine Riley
Yanks at Home Abroad