Vol. 3 No. 14
Report From One of the First GIs to Enter Paris
Cover : Tintype From France: Tank Destroyer Team
Soon after he landed in Southeastern France with the 36th Division, YANK’s Sgt. George Aarons was hailed by a group of men who yelled, “Hey, will you take our picture?” Sgt, Aarons obliged and the result was this unusual tintype of a group of fighting men from a Tank Destroyer outfit.
Aviation Engineers in France
GI Horseplay – In Egypt & In Italy
GIs From Brazil
Khaki Christmas
Life in a Bomb Bay
The Suicide in Mike’s Place
When the Japs Held Guam
Camp News
Home Towns in Wartime – Washington, D. C.
Mail Call
Yank Pin-up Girl : Belita
Yanks at Home Abroad