Vol. 3 No. 9
24 pages
A Yank in Russia
Flying the Shuttle Run to Our Bases in Russia
At one of our new shuttle bombing air bases in Russia, S/Sgt. R. E. Robinson of Huntington, W. Va., examines the starred rank insignia of a Red Army woman lieutenant. For the story of American and U.S.S.R. soldiers working and living together in the shuttle-bombing operation, turn to page 2.
Sniper Killer – On the Rifle of this Regular Army platoon sergeant are 22 notches. T/Sgt. Frank Kwiatek
Eruption On Jinx Island
Getting Your Old Job Back – Or a New One
GI Jeans – French Air Force Trainees
Guadalcanal Goes Garrison
On the Road to Berlin
Security Mission – A dozen Rangers set out on a routine assignment in Italy. Then the Germans attacked.
Shuttle Run to Russia
Camp News
Mail Call
The Poets Cornered
What’s Your Problem?
Yank Pin-up Girl : Vivian Blaine