YANK US 1944 06 02 (PDF)




Vol. 2 No. 50 … The Sinking of the Baby Flat-top Liscome Bay … Signal Corps in Newfoundland ……….. In Newfoundland, T/5 Tom Meyers of Salamanca, N. Y., holds Punkin, mascot of his Signal Corps crew. Those are climbing irons Meyers is carrying on his shoulder. For story and pictures of the outfit’s three-week battle against the elements to lug heavy supplies to the top of a mountain, see pages 2, 3 and 4.

Combat ( Tarawa )

Even a Railroad Couldn’t Goose This Moose

Going Home ( From SWPA )

The Hero of Hischawelen Island ( YANK Fiction )

The Sinking of the Liscome Bay

The Soldier Speaks : “Should the U.S. get mixed up with the rest of the world after the war?”

The Wheatfield ( YANK Fiction )

War Against Weather

Yanks in Italy – How the Engineers Destroyed a Nazi OP

Camp News



The Poets Cornered

Yank Pin-up Girl : Ella Raines