YANK US 1944 02 18 (PDF)




February 18, 1944     Vol. 2 No. 35

B-25s Fire 75-mm Guns at Japs on the Marshalls

Cover: Paratrooper in New Guinea

This rough, tough and heavily burdened soldier is Pvt. Richard M. Moore of Baltimore, Md., attached to a Parachute Infantry regiment in New Guinea. He is pictured wearing full equipment before boarding a plane. Paratroopers in New Guinea were used with notable success in capturing Lae.

Articles Inside:

The Alaska Scouts By Sgt. Georg N. Meyers

Whenever the Army and Navy planned an invasion in the North Pacific, they sent a few of these tough regulars and ex-trappers ashore first to find the best landing beaches and to locate the Japanese positions.

How do you like American soldiers

YANK’S inquisitive photographer Sgt. George Aarons asked the question of five Italian girls. Here are their answers.

The Old One-Two Punch in Italy By Sgt. Ralph G. Martin

While the Rangers threw a left hook around the German flank and staged a surprise landing south of Rome … the tired doughboys in the mountains north of Naples went back up to the lines and smashed a right to the body.

Raid on the Marshalls (B-25 Bombers)

The first correspondent to fly in an attack on that Jap base tells how his B-25 blasted the enemy with its 75-mm gun.

GI Delivery (Baby Care) By Sgt. Earl Anderson & Sgt. H. N. Oliphant

Here’s some good news for expectant fathers below the first three grades. The Army will pay for the new baby.

Torpedoes? Whales? Unescorted Vessel Meets a Mysterious Enemy at Sea By Cpl. Barrett McGurn

Center-fold Map Central Europe & The Mediterranean

Mail Call

     Veterans’ Organizations By Sgt. Stanley Mikelk

     Airborne Bonus By Pfc. Orville Dilts

     Garfield and Guns By John Garfield

     Wacs—Pro And Con By Cpl. Donald F. O’Hagan, Sgt. Bob Bowie, Sgt. R. H. Fanning Jr., Pvt. William J. Robinon

Post-War America By S/Sgt. Paul Cropman, Pvt. J. A. Greulich

GI Artist In Bethlehem

A favorite sightseeing trip for soldiers on pass from the Allied armies in the; Middle East is the journey to the small town of Bethlehem where Jesus Christ was born. Cpl. Richard T. Gaige, YANK staff artist, drew these sketches of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity which stands at the site of the manger.

The Sad Sack “Hungry” By Sgt. George Baker

First Epistle to the Selectees by Pfc. Harold Fleming

The Torturing and Killing of American Prisoners in the Philippines

Camp News

     Guardhouse Furlough

     Hind Landing

     Nothing But the Best

     The Long Way Home

     Recuperation Detail

     He Believes Now

     Roll Call

Around The Camps

Yank Pin-up Girl: Chili Williams

Navy Notes


     Correspondence Credit

     Jap Chow


Books In Wartime (ASE numbers D-91 thru D-120)


PX – Post Exchange

     Sonnet To Laura By S/Sgt. William R Carty

     Lines To A Brassiere By Frank Frederick Sk2c

     I’ve Seen Worse By Cpl. Marvin Grasse

     Confession By Sgt. Benton Berman

     I Shoulda Ate Alone By Pvt. Seymour Blau

     News Item By T-4 Irving Rockmore

Sports: Frankie Frisch Lost His Nerve In Alaska By Sgt. Dan Polier

Sports Service Record

YANK Cartoons