June 14, 1944 Vol. 1 No. 44
The Story of the Second Battle of Bougainville
Cover : 3 In A Pillbox
These three smiling soldiers, photographed in their pillbox at Empress Augusta Bay by YANK’s Sgt. Dillon Ferris, fought in the Second Battle of Bougainville. They are (l. to r.) Pfc. Chester M. Williams of Philadelphia, Pa.; Pvt. Wayne H. Sammoms of Los Angeles, Calif., and T/Sgt. Nicholas J. Tangorra of Rondout, Ill. With their 37-mm gun and other weapons, the trio slaughtered scores of attacking Japs. See page 2 for story of the Bougainville action.
Articles Inside:
Second Battle of Bougainville By Sgt. Barrett McGurn
Isolated and facing starvation, the Jap forces launched a desperate assault against two seasoned U. S. divisions. When the battle was over, 7,000 of the Japs were dead.
News from Home By Sgt. Robert G. Ryan
“Safe Hand” Delivery By Sgt. Ed Cunningham
Anzio Beachhead’s Astonishing Sergeant Won His Stripes When He Was Only 12 By Sgt. George Aarons
Ironman Pilot By CpI. Tom Shehan
Maj. George Lee, with 161 missions, has hung up a Mediterranean record.
Have You Got Family Allowance Problems? By Sgt. H. N. Oliphant
Although the changes in ODB regulations concerning allowances have been in effect since last November, a lot of GIs and their dependents still don’t know what it’s all about. Here are some of the answers.
Psychological Warfare By Sgt. Bill Davidson
Leaflets and newspapers, telling the truth about the war, are hitting Germany almost as hard as our bombs.
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News From Home
Pre-lnvasion Nerves
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Odds & Ends Dept.
The Sad Sack “Cleaned Up” By Sgt. George Baker
How to Vote in States Holding Primaries in Late July and August
News From Home
Yank Pin-up Girl: Linda Darnell
Sunday at Sanananda By T-5 Don E. Rohrig
Navy Notes
Sports Round-Up
Sports: “McGraw Of The Giants” Was A Two-Fisted Genius By Sgt. Dan Polier
YANK Cartoons