YANK EU 1944 12 29 (PDF)




24 pages
Vol. 1 No. 39

Special Service … How We Govern Our First Captured German City ……….. Pvt. Barney Snyder {right) First Special Service grenadier, helps T/4 Harry Owens load on his pack before setting out with 50-cal. machine gun. Snyder, called the ‘Daniel Boone of the Maritime Alps,’ by his buddies carries extra grenades in his pockets. The Nazis called the men of the SSF ‘Black Devils’ after the fighting along the Mussolini Canal at Anzio.

Aachen – officers and GIs administering the first city captured in Germany; Sgt. Mack Morriss; T-4 Nick Kellen of Woodstock, Minn.

PTs in the Philippines – their job was to spot and size a Jap naval force, but the torpedo boats never expected to run into a battlewagon; Sgt. Ralph Boyce; Surigao Strait, Lakacookie

Devils in Baggy Pants – the 1st Special Service Force of Canadian-Americans fought the Germans at Venafro and Anzio and led off the invasion of Southern France; by Sgt. James O’Neill; T/4 Mario Bertera, Turtle Creek, PA, WM, Hamilton, Dale Grapel, Rowland Roelfs, John Landriault, J. Holbrooks, M. Bolson, James Dretzka, Gus Heillman, Ed Mueller

Platoon Messenger; by Sgt. Denton Scott; photo of Pfc. Harry C. Chandler

1944 Highlights on the Home Front; by Sgt. Hilary H. Lyons; T Sgt. Charles E. (Commando) Kelly of Pittsburgh, Pa.

Sad Sack “Bottles”

Mail Call

Lazy MP Ranch; by Cpl. James Goble; Russell Islands; Garland Trammell of Old Glory, Tex.

Yank Fiction – What does is cost to be nice?

Yank Pin-up Girl – Rita Daigle

Hilda Simms, Barbara Perry

Army team: Plebes Felix Blanchard and Glenn Davis, Tom Lombardo

Billy the Kid in Italy; by Cpl. Len Zinberg; Cpl. Billy Conn

1945 Calendar