YANK EU 1944 07 14 (PDF)




Vol. 1 No. 16
Partisan Children … A Who’s Who Of U.S. Divisions Fighting In France ……. Children of Jugo-Slav Partisans in the Devar Valley of the Bosnia Mountains watch and wait and hope for the day of liberation. They are typical of Partisan children who tend cattle while their fathers fight the enemy under leadership of Marshal Tito. ……….. Articles Inside:
U.S. Divisions in France — A Who’s Who that tells where each American infantry and air­borne outfit fought against the Germans on the Cherbourg Penin­sula and gives the highlights of their past combat records.
Plan to Combine Armed Forces — Army likes idea of putting both services under one head but Navy disapproves / By Sgt. Merle Miller
Technique of Invasion (29 Photos) / By Sgt. Dick Hanley and Cpl. Bill Alcine
Italian Studies (Artwork) / Sgt. Ed Vebell
Operations Strangle — Nazi transport was going full swing be­fore the Allied drive north. Then the MAAF went to work. In less than a month Jerry supply lines had been cut to pieces.
Variety Show – Produced by the Cameras of the World
Sports Parade
Sports: Help Yourself to a Quote as the Great minds Speak / By Sgt. Dan Polier
Sports Service Record
The Sad Sack “Rear Guard” / By Sgt. George Baker
Voting Regulations in Five States and Two Territories
Letter from Home
YANK’s Page of Laughs
Yanks at home abroad
Crime and Punishment
Song of the Islands / By Sgt. Barrett McGurn
Temptation / By Pvt. Jud Cook
Fighting Cock / Sgt. Al Hine
Mail Call
Saluting German Prisoners / By Cpl. Byron O. Baker, Pvt F.A. Valeroni, Cpl. Ward McCabe, Lt. Sam C. Mecle Jr. and Pvt. Steve Clensos
Sinatra / By Pvt. Barney Kirk and S/Sgt. W.C. Prows
War / By Cpl. Harry G. Shipman
Gripe on Gripers / By Pfc. H Chamberlin and Pvt. Ralph Ebert
Unlucky Name / By 2d Lt. Ralph J. Luckey
Honor / By Cpl. Lester E. Dolan
States’ Sons in Service / By Sgt. John C. May
Message Center
Frontline Troupers

YANK Pin-Up Girl – Rita Hayworth