YANK EU 1944 06 30 (PDF)




Vol. 1 No. 14

Cover: First Wave … How The Allies Cracked Hitler’s Atlantic Wall ……….. U.S. Navy Officer gives American troops in the crowded landing craft below instructions as they move toward the coast of Normandy. Four thousand large ships and countless smaller ones took part in the invasion. Heavy Air and Naval bombardment preceded the great Allied assault. Other photographs, Pages 2-5. ……. How the Allies Cracked Hitler’s Atlantic Wall ……. Articles Inside: …

The Opening Round – When the Germans saw that some of the most famous Allied divisions were sent across the Channel to chase them from the beaches, they were convinced that Eisenhower meant this to be his “Sunday punch.”

Rescue at Truk – How an American submarine and an old Kingfisher scout plane, operating in Jap waters, teamed together to save 20 downed Navy airmen from capture. By Sgt. Larry McManus

The Dead End Kids – These tough veterans claimed they volunteered for Merrill’s Marauders to get back home from the Pacific. But they found themselves instead killing more Japs in Burma and liking it. By Sgt. Dave Richardson

Yugoslav Diary – Impressions of a week with a Partisan group in a small mountain town in the heart of Nazi-occupied territory. By Sgt. Walter Bernstein

Papuan Infantry ( Photo Report ) By Sgt. Dick Hanley

Sports Parade

Sports: Eagan, Old AEF Champ, Frowns on Pro Boxing. By Sgt. Gene Slutz

The Sad Sack by Sgt George Baker

Tell it to the Chaplain By Cpl. Grant Robbins

Mail Call

Letter from Home

YANK’s Page of Laughs

What’s the Deal on the New Soldier-Vote Law?

Alaska Highway Gets Discharged

“Somewhere in the Caribbean” By Cpl. Jud Cook

YANK Pin-up Girl : Peggy Corday