Vol. 1 No. 11
Headed North … Pictures of Italian Offensive, Beachhead Link-up ……….. American infantry and tanks stream past destroyed German tank, headed north in swift pursuit of the retreating Nazi armies, following the white tape marking mine – cleared routes. For other pictures of the Fifth and Eighth Armies’ offensive, taken by combat cameramen of the Army Pictorial Service, look on pages 2 and 3.
……….. Articles Inside:
Anzio Breakthrough
War Against Weather — Newfoundland Signal Corps Crew Fights a Battle as Tough as Many Combat Assignments
Going Home
The Sinking of the Liscome Bay — The story of 23 terrible minutes on or baby flat-fop after if was torn to pieces by a torpedo from a Japanese submarine and before if sank with the second largest Navy casualty list of this war. / By Robert L. Schwartz Y2c
Even a Railroad Couldn’t Goose This Moose / By Sgt Georg N. Meyers
The Soldier Speaks: “Should the U.S. Get Mixed Up With the Rest of the World After the War?”
“Isolationist Way Failed” / By Sgt. James Keeley
“A Nationalist U.S.” / Pfc. Harold Wagoner
“Cooperation Will Win” / Sgt. Dave Golding
“A Hard-Headed America” / By Sgt Newton H. Fulbright
Mail Call
The Infantry Hits Back
Movie Mystery
Sour Notes
Hulse and Haegg
Negro Soldiers
WAC Memories
YANK Page of Cartoons
The Sad Sack – “Impressed” / By Sgt George Baker
The Hero of Hischawelen Island / By Pfc William C. Schmidt
Strictly GI
State Strength
Casualty Lists
Correction on Ballot Requests
Good Conduct Medal
Bulletin Board
GI Shop Talk
Letter from Home
War Paint (Tattoos)
YANK Pin-Up Girl — Linda Darnell
The Poets Cornered
Springtime in ODs
Spring Complaint / By T-4 Josephine Pagliai
We are Young Men / By Sgt Philip R. Benjamin
Post No. 7, First Relief / By Walter Kuttner
Complaint to an Empty Purse / By Cpl Lester Asheim
The Mourners’ Bench / By Pvt Raymond E. Lee
Bonus / By Sgt Irving Caress
Plane Spotter
Checker Strategy
Puzzle in Pennies
Plural Quiz
Big Moments (Sports)
Sports: Story of Footsy Britt, Congressional Winner / By Sgt Dan Polier
Sports Service Record
Back Cover: The back cover of this issue YANK’s European Edition prints its first piece of four color work. The drawing is by Rudolph von Ripper, artist with the historical section of the Fifth Army, and shows American infantrymen resting in their position near the Mussolini Canal on the Anzio beachhead. All printed matter was purposely left off the page to make it suitable for framing or mailing home to the folks. From time to time YANK will print color reproductions of the work of other army artists. If you know of an artist doing really outstanding color art work on some phase of the war have him get in touch with YANK. The reproduction process will not damage the pictures.