YANK CBI 1945 05 12 (PDF)


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Vol. 2 No. 41 ……. Cover : Cologne, 1945 “The issue is victory or destruction” Marshall Hermann Goering 1943 – This is part of the ruins of Cologne, photographed from the top of the cathedral. Broken bridges stick out of the Rhine. Other Cologne pictures by Sgt. Reg Kenny are on pages 12 and 13.. ……. Articles Inside: War Horses for China / By Cpl. Jud Cook – A group of veterans of past Burma campaigns form this outfit which has one of the most unusual Army jobs — buying horses in the wild and unexplored mountainous land of the Lolos. ……. Allies Govern Germany – When we take a German city, we take its problems, too. Cologne has typhus, ruins and displaced persons, all Allied headaches. / By Cpl. Howard Katzander ….. GI Questions from GIs By Cpl. Max Novack ….. Yanks at Home Abroad ….. GI Shopping Service – Lace undies to baby boots, what you want, they’ll buy. / By Cpl. Hyman Goldberg ….. Cologne – YANK’s Sgt. Reg Kenny took these pictures when GIs entered Cologne, left in ruins by years of war. ( Photo Report ) ….. The Sad Sack “Change of Climate” by Sgt George Baker ….. Rough as a Cob ( YANK Fiction ) By Sgt. Bob McBrinn ….. Sgt. Marke Gets Along – From a swank London shop to a tank in Holland is a big jump, but Mr. J. J., like Tommies he typifies, made it with ease. / By Sgt. Bill Davidson ….. Youngest Generation – The little red schoolhouse has had its face lifted; there are mobile desks for footloose tots and classes are informal. / By Pfc. Debs Myers ….. Mail Call ….. Strictly GI ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Dorothy Malone ….. The Poets Cornered ….. Checker Strategy ….. Sports Parade ….. Sports: One-Armed Big-Leaguer? ( Pete Gray ) By Cpl. Tom Shehan ….. Cartoons