YANK CBI 1944 03 25 (PDF)


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Vol. 1 No. 34 … Beachhead Action Stories: Italy and the Marshalls ……. Cover : A Nurse Digs in South of Rome – The Smiling nurse digging a slit trench in Italy is Lt. Maxine Lykins from Albany, Mo. Sgt. George Aarons of YANK photographed her at work in the hospital grounds a few minutes after she and 21 other nurses had been landed in the Anzio – Nettuno invasion area – the first American girls to reach the beachhead established south of Rome. ……. Articles Inside: Hot Spot in Italy – A report from one of the hottest corners of the earth, the narrow Allied beachhead flanking Anzio and Nettuno where there isn’t an inch of territory protected from German bombs, shells, machinegun and small-arms fire. ….. Nurses Under Fire In Italy ….. Return to Burma – “We got hell licked out of us. It was humiliating as hell and I thick we should…..go back and retake it.” General Stilwell is making this promise stick. By Sgt Ed Cunningham ….. Marshalls Massacre ( 7th Division ) by Sgt. Merle Miller ….. GI Mike ( Radio Entertainers ) ….. Mail Call ….. Message Center ….. News From Home ….. The Sad Sack “Habit” by Sgt George Baker ….. Ghost Bride. By Sgt. Irving Caress ….. Strickly GI ….. News From Home – What Goes on in Your Own Home State ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Gene Tierney ….. The Poets Cornered ….. Navy Notes ….. The Old Timers – They were big stars when you were knee high to a jeep. Today they still crave action and get it. ( Photo Report ) ….. Sports: Take A Quote, Please, As The Great Minds in Sports Speak by Sgt. Dan Polier ….. Sports Service Record ….. Cartoons