Vol. 1 No. 31 ……. A Day With the Supply Men on the Italian Front ……. Cover: LST Gun Captain – This giant of a man, G. O. Blackburn S1c of Chicago, Ill, was photographed aboard an LST “somewhere off New Georgia” while on duty as gun captain. Six guys on YANK swore that this fellow was Alan Hale, the Hollywood movie actor, but take our word for it he isn’t. ……. Articles Inside: Supplies Are Brought Up in Italy on the GI’s Back – When the Infantry’s ammunition and food reach the last stage of their tortuous journey to the front, even the mules quit. The private finishes the job alone. By Sgt. Burgess Scott ….. Bombardment of Buka ….. Infantrymen Who Fought in Makin Battle Summarize the Lessons They Learned. By Sgt. Fred Baxter ….. Sleeping in the General’s Car, Panama GI Finds, Has Drawback ….. Smooth-Talking American Soldier Buys Dinner for a Couple of Nazis ….. Here’s Useful Tip About Jeeps Discovered By a Yank in Sardinia ….. Two Pigeon Fanciers in Iran Plan to Raise Some Fancy Pigeons ….. The Life of a Yank in Newfoundland – This wind-swept North Atlantic base is beginning to seem like home to the GIs who have been guarding it since January 1941. By Sgt. Frank Bode ….. Home Towns in Wartime: Philadelphia, Pa. By Cpl. Harry Sions ….. Mail Call ….. Message Center ….. Amphibious Operation – YANK’s Sgt. Dick Hanley Lands with the Marines at Cape Gloucester, New Britain ….. News From Home ….. What’s Your Problem? ….. The Sad Sack by Sgt George Baker ….. YANK Crossword Puzzle ….. Strickly GI ….. News From Home – What Goes on in Your Own Home State ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Ann Savage ….. Navy Notes ….. The Poets Cornered ….. Checker Strategy ….. Basketball is such a sissy game, you know ….. Sports Service Record ….. Sports: Ex-Prisoner Tells of Sports in Jap Concentration Camp by Sgt. Dan Polier ….. Cartoons