Vol. 1 No. 29 ……. Why Are We Fighting This World War? ……. Cover: GI Climber in Italy – On a rocky peak a few miles behind the fighting front in Italy this American soldier is practicing the art of “rappelling” or descending. A rope looped through crotch and over shoulder is carrying him down. He a one of a group of Yanks taking a course in mountain climbing given by both American and Italian experts, the latter being members of the famed Alpini regiments. See pages 12 and 13 for additional photographs of the mountaineers. ……. Articles Inside: Attack on Arawe – These Texans in the American Sixth Army led the assault on New Britain, the first step in the current drive on the Jap base at Rabaul. By Cpl. Ralph Boyce ….. Report From General Arnold – A few interesting factual highlights from the recent comprehensive 62-page report of the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Air Forces to the Secretary of War ….. Bloody Basin : An Italian No-Man’s-Land of Black Mist and Enemy Patrols by Sgt. Burgess Scott ….. South Pacific Yanks Witness Dedication of New Zealand Memorial. By Cpl. Herzl Rosenbaum ….. A Lover of Nature’s Beauties Finds Two of Them in Iran Woods. By Cpl. James P. O’Neill ….. Big Shots Don’t Mean a Thing to this North Africa Car Company. By Sgt. George Dorsey ….. Why Are We In This War? – Fascist philosophies must not replace ours ….. Hey, Joe, why do they wake us up so early in the morning? By Sgt. Joe McCarthy ….. Training Mountain Fighters in Italy ( Photo Story ) By Sgt George Aarons ….. Mail Call ….. Message Center ….. Absentee Voting for G.I.’s ….. The Sad Sack “Rough Sea” by Sgt. George Baker ….. What’s Your Problem? ….. Strickly GI ….. News From Home – What Goes on in Your Own Home State ….. YANK Pin-up Girl : Lois Collier ….. The Poets Cornered ….. Checker Strategy ….. Soldiers in Sports ….. Sports: How Many Sports Champions Will Return After the War? by Sgt. Dan Polier ….. Sports Service Record ….. Cartoons