YANK CBI 1944 02 12 (PDF)


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Vol. 1 No. 28 ……. Pictures of German and Jap Combat Vehicles ……. Cover: Tamed Tiger – This vicious – looking machine, photographed by YANK’s Sgt George Aarons during the Tunisian campaign, is a PzKW VI – Panzer Kampfwagen, which translates literally as armored battlewagon. More often it was called the Tiger, but here with the sleeve knocked off its 88-mm cannon and resting against the muzzle brake, it is definitely a tamed one. See pages 2, 3, 4, 5 for photos of Nazi and Jap vehicles at Aberdeen ( Md.) Ordnance Research Center. ……. Articles Inside: Enemy Vehicles – At Aberdeen’s Ordnance Research Center, inquisitive experts find what makes an Axis vehicle tick, and their fests produce facts worth remembering. By Sgt. Mack Morriss and Sgt. Ralph Stein ….. The Birth of a Mission – There’s a lot more to a Fortress raid on Europe than just the flight itself. At a bomber Station the night before some of the men work, some relax, and everyone prays for good weather. By Sgt. Walter Peters ….. Panama Newspaper Gives Daily Stock-Market Quotations. By Sgt. Robert G. Ryan ….. Nickolai, Machine Gunner From Kharkov, Mowed Down Nazis Like Ripe Wheat by Sgt. Al Hine ….. Almonds Rain from Heaven When Jerry Raids Mediterranean. By Pvt. Tom Shehan ….. Salamaua Yanks Learned to Like the Pack .75 by Sgt. Charles D. Pearson ….. Corporal Skins Both His Knees Falling 125 Feet Down Algiers Well. By Sgt. Burgess Scott ….. Civilian Classification Dept. by Sgt. Ralph Stein ….. An Old Southern Custom ( Order of Shellbacks ) by Sgt. John Bushemi ….. The Sad Sack “Strategy” by Sgt. George Baker ….. Stop the Presses by the Numbers. By Sgt. Ray Duncan ….. Gen. Marshall Reports to YANK By Sgt. Earl Anderson ….. News From Home – What Goes on in Your Own Home State ….. Mail Call ….. Message Center ….. News From Home ….. YANK Pin-up Girl : Virginia Mayo ….. YANK Crossword Puzzle ….. Big League Stars Tour Alaska ….. Sports: Joe Gordon is Driving Barrow to a Section 8 ….. Sports Service Record ….. Cartoons