Vol. 1 No. 19 … Five-Day Attack on the Japs at Hastings Ridge ……. Cover: They Got 5 Zeros In China – There is good reason for this exchange of congratulation “Somewhere in China.” Sgt. Charles Patton of Dallas, Tex., and Sgt. Marino Galluzzo (right) of Uniontown, Pa., both gunners, had just returned from a bombing raid on Hankow. Patton shot down three Zero fighters; Galluzzo, flying his first combat mission, got himself two of the Zekes. ……. Articles Inside: The Army Authorizes Bronze Stars ….. Navy Pilot – Close-up of Lt. Mark Bright, a typical Navy fighter pilot in the Pacific who has knocked off four Jap dive-bombers and two Zeros during his plain and fancy combat missions at Midway, Guadalcanal, the Stewart Islands and Wake. by Sgt Merle Miller ….. Five-Day Attack on the Japs at Hastings Ridge – Here is an exciting story of desperately close fighting between two- and three-man American and Japanese combat teams on a jungle battlefield in the South Pacific not much larger than a football gridiron. by Sgt. Mack Morriss ….. Recipe for a Civil War in Iran: Mix One Warm Pfc. With One Chill Sergeant By Cpl. Jimmy O’Neill ….. African Camels, Two Yanks Say, Ought to See Movies More Often By Sgt. Ken Abbott ….. Who Said There’s No Romance In Alaska? Missouri GI Shows ‘Em By Cpl. Frank Friedrichsen ….. Flyers Take Busman’s Holiday, Climb 10,739 Feet Up Mount Etna By Sgt. Albert Schoenfeld ….. If He Looks Like a Head-hunter, Better Slip Him an Indian Five Spot ….. Words Across the Sea ….. Mail Call ….. Message Center ….. Alaska Olympics ….. New Guinea Champs ….. The Sad Sack “Embarkation” by Sgt. George Baker ….. What’s Your Problem? ….. Communique from the Home Front ….. News From Home – What Goes on in Your Own Home State ….. GI Insurance by Sgt. H. N. Oliphant ….. Sports: How Good is Bertelli? These Six Experts Think He’s Even Greater Than Baugh or Sid Luckman by Sgt. Dan Polier ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Rita Hayworth ….. Cartoons