YANK BR 1945 04 13 (PDF)


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Vol. 3 No. 43 ……. Cover: Marines on Iwo Jima – At a forward observation post on Iwo Jima, a marine calls out range instructions to be relayed to artillery and mortar units. He and the two other spotters have located the exact position of an enemy machine gun nest. Photo by USMC ……. The Leathernecks’ Battle for Mount Suribachi ……. Articles Inside: …

Country Cousin – The Remagen Bridge served in obscurity for 27 years before the Yanks put it on the map in a big way. By Sgt. Ed Cunningham and Photo by Reg Kenny

V-Bombs on Antwerp – The story, secret until recently, of how civilians and soldiers alike in this big Allied port faced day-and-night bombardment by Nazi robot weapons. By Cpl. Edmund Antrobus

Mount Suribachi – The scaling of this peak on Iwo was revenge for the humiliation of Green Beach By Sgt. Bill Reed with Photo by Pfc. A. L. Farnum, USMC

Arthur H. Vandenberg ( Senator ) By Pfc. Debs Myers ….. Home Towns in Wartime – Pittsburgh, Pa. – The smog that shrouds the city these days is a symbol of war production in plants and mills. By Sgt. Al Hine with Photos by Sgt. Ben Schnall

PFC. David J. Kutchko made line sketches while serving as a rifleman with the 87th Infantry Division. A piece of 88 shrapnel separated him from his outfit after they had crossed the German border in the vicinity of the Saar. Kutchko, a 22-year-old Clevelander, attended the Cleveland School of Art for one year. He is now at the Tenth Reinforcement Depot in England sweating out reassignment.

What’s Your Problem?

News From Home

The Sad Sack “Organization” by Sgt George Baker

Mail Call

Persian Gulf vs. Middle East – Football ends on New Year’s Day everywhere except Cairo. These pictures show a late-winter All-Star GI game at the El Alamein Club, where 12,000 fans saw the Persian Gulf Command beat the Middle East, 9-0. Photos by Sgt. Charles Baker and Al Baker, USN

Sports: Cornell’s Offer of Security Looked Good to McKeever By Cpl. Tom Shehan

YANK Pin-up Girl: Jean Trent

Yanks in Britain By Cpl. Edmund Antrobus with Photo by Capt. Luther W. White

The Count
