Vol. 3 No. 32 ……. Cover: Mission Completed – His face still blackened, Lt. Texas B. Barnes, of Phoenix, Ariz., eats Army rations after the successful completion of a dangerous trip through German lines. He is a member of a U. S. battalion which was trapped by the enemy offensive into Belgium. By blackening their faces and destroying their equipment, the American fighting unit infiltrated through enemy positions under cover of darkness to reach their own lines. Photo by OWI. ……. How SS Men Murdered 100 U.S. Prisoners of War. See Pages 2, 3 and 4 ……. Articles Inside: …
Massacre At Malmedy – From Belgium comes this verified account of how the Germans, on the first day of von Rundstedt’s breakthrough, murdered over one hundred American prisoners of war, in cold blood. The story, a compilation of eye-witness reports and evidence supplied by captured Germans, gives a clear picture of the kind of enemy we’re fighting. By Sgt. Ed Cunningham and Sketches by Jack Coggins
Souvenir Savvy – You can’t take it with you if it’s loaded or looted. Photo by George Burns
“…Even The Birds Walk” – The Thunderbolts were on a routine mission that December morning, until they made a far-from-routine discovery. Then came the fogs, but the pilots kept groping through them and strafing the Germans, who, the Colonel said, had nothing but service troops, cooks, and bakers between them and the English Channel. And the column heading west from Stavelot finally had to change its direction. By Sgt. Bill Davidson with Artwork by John Scott
Naples Today – Freed from the physical dangers of war, the city buckles down to work at its great port and fights against inflation without losing its gaiety. By Sgt. August Loeb with Photos by Sgt. George Aarons
GIs in Congress – Pfc. William J. Green By Cpl. Hyman Goldberg – Cpl. Charles Melvin Price By Pfc. Debs Myers – Capt. William E. Jenner By Sgt. Richard H. Paul
Photo Round-up on the Western Front
YANK Pin-up Girl: Rita Hayworth
News from Home
The Sad Sack “Booby Trap” by Sgt. George Baker
Mail Call
YANK’s AFN Radio Guide – Highlights for the week of Jan. 21
Who’s Who in Tennis – A sergeant outranks a couple of lieutenants in the annual U.S. Lawn Tennis rankings.
Sports – For Experts Only. By Sgt. Dan Polier with Photo by Ben Schnall
Sports Service Record
Yanks in the ETO
The Count
Strictly G.I.
YANK Cartoons