December 3, 1944 Vol. 3 No. 25 24 pages
Cover: Chow Line in France
With the Men Who Build the Bridge in France Pages 2, 3, 4 and 5
Articles Inside:
Bridge Building
These drawings were made during a month with the Combat Engineers, in the apple orchards of Holland while the cold and rain settled down and the mud got deeper. The outfit had fought its way through Europe, sometimes in advance of the Infantry, since the early days in Normandy, and now they looked forward to that biggest bridging job of all—the crossing of the Rhine.
By Sgt. John Scott Yank Staff Artist
My Old Outfit
They started out together at Fort Jackson back in the States and fought their way across Europe until the faces were no longer familiar and you could count the old men on the fingers of one hand.
By Sgt. Mack Morriss Yank Staff Correspondent and sketches by Sgt. Robert Greenhalgh
(Charlie Grindstaff, Herman O. Parker, Hutch Pierce, Earl Marshall, Bill Longmire, Elmer Simerly, Harry Nave, Red Mason, Ralph Snavely, Lucian Garrison, Capt. Ritts, Ed Mottern, Pony Miller, Howard Fair, Charles Hurt, Doc Sharp, J. C. Wright, Jack Ellis, Hutch Pierce, Bill Potter, Bill Whitson, Bull Bowers, Pfc. James R. Baines, Clyde Angel, Bud Hale, Ed Markland, T/Sgt. George Edward Markland)
Liberation Of Athens
When British forces entered the Greek capital city, they found the people noisily celebrating their release from three years of systematic German terror.
By Sgt. Joe McCarthy Yank Staff Correspondent
(Lt. Gen. R. M. Scorbie, British Brig. C. H. V. Prittchard, Prime Minister George Papandreou, Archbishop Damaskinos, Gen. Felmy)
Back From Bulgaria
When their guards started to salute them, U. S. flyers in an Axis prison camp knew that the Red Army was on the way.
By Sgt. Robert McBrinn Yank Staff Correspondent
(S/Sgt. Stanley H. Horine, T/Sgt. Lloyd Brisbi, S/Sgt. Ned Howard, S/Sgt. Charles (Red) Dameron, Lt. Thomas Judd, Robert Schultz, Patrick Maegler, Joseph Quigley, S/Sgt Floyd Schlauch, 2d Lt. Laurence Woolhouse, Sgt. William R. Harkness, S/Sgt. Lloyd Barnes, Cpl. Harry Ross, Maj. Walter A. Smith, Lt. Julian T. Darlington)
Mop-Up Operation
on Pelelieu Island, Marines and GIs of the 81st Division Clean Out the Last of the Japs.
(Mess Sergeant, Pete Andrews, Sgt. William Pierce, Mason E. Pawlak PhoM1c)
YANK Pin-up Girl: Marguerite Chapman
News From Home
Curious civilians from 13 states set out to have a gander at the ETO, the heat was on to prevent shells from becoming as scarce as butts, a Flying Fort did a robot act over the Midwest, and assault boats loomed as a possible item in Santa’s pack.
(William McAuliffe, Charles L. Gifford, Representatives Matthew J. Merritt, of Flushing, N. Y. ; John Martin Costello, Overton Brooks, John L. Sparkman, Paul J. Kilday, of San Antonio, Tex. ; Clifford Davis, John Edward Sheridan, William Arthur Winstead, John J. Rooney, J. Pamall Thomas, Charles H. Elston, Forest Arthur Harness, Paul W. Shafer, Ivor D. Fenton, Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce, Joseph R. Farrington, Resident Commissioner Bolivar Pagan, Lt. Col. C. J. Hauck, Jr., Lt. Gen. Brehon B. Somervell, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, William Green, president of the
AFL, Philip Murray, Ralph A. Bard, Senator Alben W. Barkley, Senator Homer Ferguson, Senator Robert R. Reynolds, Mrs. Jane K. Mann, Dorothy Lindstrom, Henry L. Stimson, Admiral William D. Leahy, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Col. Elliot Roosevelt, Lt. Colin I. Parks, William S. Wilkinson, Maj. Gen. Campbell B. Hodges, Senator Smith W. Brookhart, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Ready, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John George Bennett, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henry Joseph Grimmelsman, Rt. Rev. Msgr. William Theodore Mully, Rev. Edward Francis Ryan, Jane A. Freeman, J. Frank Dobie, Dr. Homer P. Rainey, Marjorie Jackson, Virginia Maples, Lester Logan Martin, William H. Davis, Dr. G. L. Dunnahoo, Cpl. Arthur Foster, District Attorney Carl J. Hynes, Robert E. Hodkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson, Pvt. William S. Moore, Jr., Joseph Pulitzer, Flight Officer Adrian K. Moore, Pvt. Richard Moore, Lt. David E. Moore, Clement C. Moore, Lillian Smith, Edward F. Hanify, Abrahan Isentadt, Alfred A. Albert, Bernard De Vote, Dr. Marian C. Putnam, Dr. Emory Stevens Buche, Ethel Barrymore Colt, Dick Foran, Carole Gallagher, Doris Duke, James H. R. Cromwell, Meyer Ruback, Pvt. Mickey Rooney, Mrs. Nell Panky, Miss Betty Jane Rase)
The Sad Sack “The Sad Sack“
Sgt. George Baker
Mail Call
Sensible Policy?
By Pvt. Charles Cherubin
To The Point
All For One?
By S/Sgt. Walters
Merger, He Says!
Flyers All
By Cpl. Robert Walsh
Jap Cartoon
By Pfc. A. L Herrhstein
Clad Sack
By Pfc. Louis J. Sosa
Firmer Hand
By Cpl. Henry Zakre
By Sgt. C. H. Tinsley (Prcht Inf.)
By Jack Strauss, 1st Lt. AC Navigator
Fly Detail
Strictly GI
Combat Infantry Pay
Sole Surviving Sons
Radio Guide
Highlights for the week of Dec. 3
YANK’S Football Pin-Up – Records Of College, Service, Pro Teams
New Guinea Baseball
Yanks in the ETO
By Sgt. Irwin Swerdlow YANK Field Correspondent
All Stops East
(Brigadier General Clarence L. Burpee, 1st Lt. Benjamin C. Magee)
Pfc. to Cpl. in 94 Missions
By Sgt. Albert R. Schwarz Yank Field Correspondent
(Lt. Morton H. Greenwald, General Douglas MacArthur, Lt. Col. William F. Gillmore, Col. Charles D. Smith)
The Count
YANK Cartoons