YANK BR 1944 11 05 (PDF)


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Vol. 3 No. 21 ……. The Story of Germany’s “Mocel” Internment Camp. See Pages 2, 3 and 4 ……. Cover: When Liberation Came Vittel ……. Articles Inside: …

Heartbreak House at Vittel – This was a “model” internment camp that the Germans had set up, a place in which 2,000 people representing 48 nationalities were kept. It was clean; it was picturesque; Goebbels took pictures of it to release throughout the world. But what the pictures did not show was what Vittel really was–the false front of a rotten interior. By Sgt. Saul Levitt

Pacific Forecast – The OWI says we hove a long war ahead of us. The Japs are still plenty tough and our lines of communication are getting longer as we get closer to Tokyo.

War Inside A City – Inside Aachen, the infantry was cautious, because there was no reason to be spectacular. Aachen was doomed–both sides knew it–and since street fighting was a nasty and costly business, the Americans were taking the town in their own time and in their own way. By Sgt. Mack Morriss

Report from China – In three stories from the Far East, a GI sizes up the Jap threat to China, talks with Maj. Gen. Chennault about the Fourteenth Air Force and describes life as Yanks live it in the country of our embattled ally; Chennault and the Fourteenth,What It’s Like For China GIs. By Sgt. Lou Stoumen

Variety Show – Produced by the Cameras of the World

YANK Pin-up Girl: Rhonda Fleming

News from Home

The Sad Sack “Charm” by Sgt George Baker

Mail Call

YANK’s AFN Radio Guide for Week of Nov. 5

Grid Headliners

Sports: Mr. Hutson Takes Easy Way Out and Plays Again. By Sgt. Dan Polier

Sports Service Record

Yanks in the ETO: Friendly Enemy Weapons. By Sgt. Francis Burke, Thoughts On This And That. By David B. Bittan

YANK Cartoons