YANK BR 1944 06 25 nr 02 (PDF)




Vol. 3 No. 2

Cover: On the Lookout for Snipers

Stories and Pictures of the Fighting in France

Articles Inside:

25 Battle Pictures ( Four Photo Pages )

The First Eight Days – The men who pushed inland from the beachhead taken during the first American landings were in no mood for medics-they wanted tanks, and said so. In this report, sent back from the front by courier, a YANK correspondent presents some vivid glimpses of the early stages of the fighting. By Cpl. John Preston

Across the Channel with the U.S. Merchant Marine. Artwork by Cpl. Jack Coggins

Targets of Opportunity By Sgt. Bill Davidson

Variety Show – Produced by the Cameras of the World

The Sad Sack “Fine Sign” by Sgt. George Baker

News from Home

Mail Call

YANK’s AFN Radio Guide for Week of June 25

Action Shots ( Sports )

Sports: Private Life of Pensive By Sgt. Dan Polier

Sports Service Record

Moving Up In Italy – First there was mud, and then there was dust that “grates between your teeth, scrapes down your throat, sifts into your eyes, piles up on your eyelashes, and cakes every inch of your sweating body until you can feel its weight.” A YANK correspondent tells how the Fifth Army inched forward along white tape marking out uncleared mine beds, ousted the Germans from a fortified town, then held on by “fingernails and eyelashes” under pulverizing enemy barrages.

YANK Pin-up Girl: K. T. Stevens