Vol. 2 No. 52
Cover: Liberation Issue By Sgt. John Scott ……. “We Will Accept Nothing Less Than Full Victory” – General Eisenhower ……. Articles Inside:
Order of the Day Issued by General Eisenhower to the Allied Expeditionary Force – “Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!”
Communique No. 1
7 days with Tito’s Army By Sgt. Walter Bernstein
With the men who took Cisterna By Sgt. Walter Bernstein
The Sinking of the Liscome Bay – The story of 23 terrible minutes on a baby flat-top after it was torn to pieces by a torpedo from a Japanese submarine and before it sank with the second largest Navy casualty list of the war. By Robert L. Schwartz Y3c
Even a Railroad Couldn’t Goose This Moose By Sgt. Georg N. Meyers
Yanks at Home in the ETO
Centerfold: RAF Mission Over Berlin By Cpl. Jack Coggins
The Sad Sack “Impressed” by Sgt. George Baker
News from Home
Mail Call
YANK’s AFN Radio Guide for Week of June 11
The Soldier Speaks : “Should the U.S. get mixed up with the rest of the world after the war?”
Action Shots ( Sports )
Sports: Touching All Bases in the Big Leagues By Sgt. Dan Polier
Sports Service Record
A Muddy GI in Italy Visits the Showers. By Cpl. Ralph W. Jake
Anzio Beachhead’s Astonishing Sergeant Won His Stripes When He Was Only 12 ( Herman Graff ) By Sgt. George Aarons
YANK Pin-up Girl: Anne Gwynne