Vol. 2 No. 35 ……. Cover: U.S. observers watch American shells burst on German positions in the Cassino battle area. ……. Articles Inside: …
Supplies Are Brought Up in Italy on the GI’s Back – When the Infantry’s ammunition and food reach the last stage of their tortuous journey to the front, even the mules quit. The private finishes the job alone. By Sgt. Burgess Scott
Gunners’ Rest Home – These sergeant gunners have reached a state of complete relaxation —but liked keyed, silent instruments waiting to be picked up and used again. By Sgt. John D. Preston
By Appointment to the British Eighth Army – The famous American 99th Fighter Squadron, first Negro flyers to go into action against the enemy at Pantelleria, is heard from again — this time as flying artillery on loan to the British Eighth Army, and poison for Nazi bombers over the Battle of the Beach-head. By Sgt. Bill Davidson
The Port – Of all things a man might want to be in this Army, a stevedore isn’t generally one of them. Because this job gives so little and takes so much, because it is grimy and anonymous — and above all, because it is so necessary — it is the very heart of the Army, Mr. Jones. By Sgt. Saul Levitt and illustrations by Sgt. Manuel Bromberg
Yanks in the ETO – To Carry YANKS and for YANKS to Carry
Home Towns in Wartime – Philadelphia, Pa. By Sgt. Harry Sions
Amphibious Operation – YANK’s Sgt. Dick Hanley Lands With The Marines At Cape Gloucester, New Britain ( Photo Pages )
YANK Pin-up Girl: Olivia De Havilland
News from Home
Notes to Joes From Ill., Neb., PA., and LA.: It’s Too Bad You Can’t Vote By Cable
Mail Call
War and the Cartoonist
Sports: Ex-Prisoner Tells of Sports in Jap Concentration Camp By Sgt. Dan Polier
The Sad Sack “The Proposition” by Sgt. George Baker
Two and Two Makes Nineteen, or Joe Goebbels Plays the Blues on His Adding Machine
Attack on Arawe – These Texans in the American Sixth Army led the assault on New Britain, the first step in the current drive on the Jap base at Rabaul. Ten days later, the Marines landed at Cape Gloucester — bound for the same place. By Cpl. Ralph Boyce
YANK Cartoons