YANK BR 1943 11 07 (PDF)


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Vol. 2 No. 21 ……. Cover: Report on the Australians Who Captured Lae ……. Articles Inside: The Race to Lae – The first American GI to enter the Jap stronghold in New Guinea tells how he moved in with the veteran desert fighters in the Australian 9th Division who were trying to beat the jungle fighting 7th Division at its own game. By Sgt. Dave Richardson ….. Shoot the Works – That’s the slogan of the Signal Corps photographers in the Pacific, who take all kinds of pictures in the front lines, not only combat action but even new trick methods of baking bread. By Sgt. Mack Morriss ….. The Squadron Leader – After it is all over and a man is gone, for good, it is difficult sometimes to think of him exactly as he was, and sometimes little incidents that seemed terribly unimportant at the time begin to constitute his whole personality and his being, as in this remembrance of Major John Egan, by one of the men in his B-17 squadron. By Sgt. Saul Leavitt ….. Yanks at Home in the ETO ….. Square-Cut Diamond – The grand old man of the U.S. Marine Corps, who joined the Leathernecks when they were founded by the Continental Congress in 1775, still nurses his beloved 81-mm mortars through the Pacific War. By Allen Churchill Y3c ….. A Week of War – The men at the Moscow Conference framed a document which spoke for the postwar world while the Dnieper spoke for itself. The tide had been turned a year. ….. The Navy ( Photo Report ) ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Dusty Anderson ….. News From Home ….. Mail Call ….. Sports: “The Yankees Win In North Africa, Too” By Sgt. Ralph G. Martin ….. The Sad Sack by Sgt George Baker ….. Artie Greengroin PFC – Artie the Post War Planner ….. The Nazis Have 30 Words For It – But no matter how thin you slice them, they all mean that the boys are taking it on the lam. ….. “What do you do when a GI starts telling you what a hot-shot he was back home?” ….. Cartoons