Vol. 2 No. 9 ……. Articles Inside: Tales From the Sicilian Front By Sgt. Jack Foisie and Walter Bernstein ….. Bomber Raid on Japs at Bougainville – Artwork by Sgt. Howard Brodie ….. Yanks at Home in the ETO ….. Strictly G.I. ….. New Patches – Marine Amphibious Corps and Alaska Defense Command ….. Yanks at Home Abroad ….. A Week of War – The German powers-that-be were gathering around a table, and even the table had hardly a leg to stand on. ….. Variety Show – Produced by the Cameras of the World ….. News From Home ….. The Jeep Joins the French Army By Sgt. Pete Paris ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Dorothy Day ….. Sports: Rickey pulls a fast one on Cubs and steals their new shortstop ….. The Sad Sack by Sgt George Baker ….. Artie Greengroin PFC – Artie the Almost-Reformed ….. Mail Call ….. Tough German Army Waits for Us in Europe ….. Highwaymen – Here in England, stirring the same soil that was sifted by the Romans, American Engineers are breaking all records for building roads–gaining the experience for the vast construction projects which will confront the world after this war is over. Sketches by Sgt. John Scott ….. Cartoons