24 pages
Vol. 1 No. 51
Cover: The Fort and the Sky and the Flak Over Emden – makes a very pretty picture for the camera in this one of the few actual “burst” ever taken, and a very unpretty picture for the Axis as the air offensive grows rapidly stronger.
Articles Inside: 66 Days Missing in Action – This is the story of nine men from the Flying Fortress “My Lovin’ Dove,” who disappeared into the Jap-held Pacific and were officially listed for two months as “missing in action under circumstances presuming death.” They tell here how they eluded the Japs, how they discovered a Navy flyer who had been missing six months, and how six of them were saved in one of the most dangerous rescue missions of the Pacific campaign. by Sgt. Mack Morriss
Yanks at Home Abroad
Kiska Catches Hell Now That the Yanks Beat Their Feet on Amchitka Mud. By Sgt. Georg N. Meyers
Gas Warfare – Don’t think the enemy won’t use gas. He creates that impression so that his first chemicals will catch us with our pants down. By Sgt. Bill Davidson
Stage Set for European Invasion
67 Sad Sacks – That’s the name of an exclusive fraternity of noncommissioned fighter pilots who have seen plenty of action in Tunisia. By Sgt. Pete Paris
G.I. Joe by Lt. Dave Breger
Strictly G.I.
A Week Of War – If you were a bomb you could have been pretty sure where you’d have fallen last week
In The Pacific – A Photographic Visit To Some Distant American Bases News From Home
Home Towns in Wartime: Willmar, Minn. by Sgt. Bill Davidson
Soldier Artist – PFC. Albert Gold
The Navy Saves 97 Out of 100 Wounded
The Sad Sack by Sgt George Baker
Artie Greengroin PFC – Artie the Perfect Gentleman
Mail Call
What Do Enemy Prisoners Think About the War? By Sgt. Milton Lehman It’s in the Cards – Part
Two: How to spot the crooked gamblers’ universal sign language. By Allen Churchill Y3c