YANK BR 1943 05 02 (PDF)


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Vol. 1 No. 46 ……. Cover: Capture of a Tunisian Town. American troops of the First Armored Division enter Maknassy as the Nazis retreat toward the sea. ……. Articles Inside: Log of Duty – Drawings on Coast Guard Cutter by Chief Specialist John L. Floherty, Jr. ….. The Night Raiders – War is a strange thing, and no matter how small an engagement, no one man can see it all. This is the story of a night of war, as seen by two YANK reporters, Bill Richardson and Ben Frasier, who recently were out on two of His Majesty’s gunboats in a brief but bitter battle with the enemy off the coast of Holland. ….. Yanks at Home and Abroad ….. Army Stevedores in Iran Use Sign Language To Pass Ammunition Along to Russia . By Sgt. Al Hine ….. Meet the Guys Who Saved You, Sergeant by Sgt. Georg N. Meyers ….. A Report on Russia ( Feminine gender ) according to S/Sgt. George W. Bowne by Sgt. Al Hine ….. Pill Rollers on Errand of Mercy Fought Jungle, Rivers and Swamps by Sgt. Bill Engel ….. Yanks at Home in the ETO ….. G.I. Joe by Lt. Dave Breger ….. Strictly G.I. ….. A Week Of War – The end of a day in Tunisia means the beginning of a night somewhere else. In Germany, say. ….. Pictures From Home ….. News From Home ….. Home Towns in Wartime: Shenandoah, Pa. by Sgt. Bill Davidson ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Doris Merrick ….. Sports: Dodger fan returns from Coast Guard duty in Algiers to play left field with his bums. By Sgt. Frank De Blois ….. Here’s how fighting men find relaxation ….. The Sad Sack by Sgt George Baker ….. Artie Greengroin PFC – Artie on the Mound ….. The Poets Cornered ….. Mail Call ….. YANK Editorial Page – A Tale of Two Armies ….. Shutterbugs SNAFU – That inscription means “Situation Normal-All Film Underexposed,” the slogan of a tough GI photo outfit that takes pictures of Jap installations up in the cold Andreanof Islands. By Sgt. Georg N. Meyers ….. Joe E. Brown, Traveling Showman ….. Cartoons