YANK BR 1943 04 18 (PDF)


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Vol. 1 No. 44 ……. Cover: Up Front in New Guinea – At a jungle outpost 30 yards from the Japs, these Yanks are waiting, ready with Garands and hand grenades. This photo was made by Sgt. Dave Richardson of YANK’s staff. More New Guinea pictures are on pages 12 and 13. ……. The First Men to Go to War with Germany ……. Articles Inside: Tunisian Front ….. How to Plow a Mine Field – If you are inclined to be happy and like to whistle while you work you’d better not get mixed up in the mine-finding business, but if you just don’t give a damn brother, then here’s your spot. By S/Sgt. Ralph G. Martin ….. A tooth for a tooth in Tunisia ( Fiction about Dentists ) ….. Yanks at Home and Abroad – Our men report on the state of the world on matters ranging from moving up in New Guinea to an Army run Navy ….. When an Outfit Moves Up in New Guinea They Always Tell the Quartermaster First by Sgt. Dave Richardson ….. The Colonel and His Top Kick: Both Were Tough but One Was Lucky by Sgt. Mack Morriss ….. If You Must Wear Underwear Try These Women’s Silk Panties ….. Pop Isn’t the Oldest Private Any Longer-He’s Made Corporal by Robert G. Ryan ….. MPs Know What’s Good for You If You Tipple in British Guiana ….. All the Boys Call This Chaplain a “A Good Joe” ( Chaplain William R. Smith ) ….. Here’s One for Ripley–the Army Runs a Navy Down in South America by Sgt. Joe McCarthy ….. Yanks at Home in the ETO ….. G.I. Joe by Lt. Dave Breger ….. Strictly G.I. ….. A Week Of War – Race Day in Tunisia ….. Medical Commandos ( Hawaii’s Mountain Rescue Unit ) ….. News From Home ….. Sports: M’Carthy has the pitching; if he can dig up the hitting, the Yankees will win again by Sgt. Dan Polier ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Lenore Aubert ….. Paddle Your Own Outrigger ….. The Sad Sack by Sgt George Baker ….. Artie Greengroin PFC – Artie the Well-Dressed Man ….. The Poets Cornered ….. Mail Call ….. A Poem For Britain ….. The First To Fight: POLAND – For every Nazi bomb that fell on Warsaw, the Poles have a dozen ready for the Hun by Sgt. Walter Peters ….. Cartoons