Vol. 1 No. 34
Cover: The Joe The Air Force Didn’t Want ……. Articles Inside: Red Cross Clubmobile “Pennsylvania” ….. The Devil’s Disciple ( A British Royal Engineer on loan to Col. Edson Raff as liaison officer ) by James Burchard ….. These Mines Contain No Gold… ….. The Air Force Wouldn’t Take Him-So Edson Raff “Took” The Air Force – Now He’s World War II’s “Lawrence of Arabia” ….. Yanks at Home and Abroad – Our men report on the state of the world on matters ranging from life in Puerto Rico to India trains ….. G.I. Joe by Sgt. Dave Breger ….. Yanks at Home and Abroad ….. A Week Of War – Goering in the Cellar; Churchill in Turkey; Hitler in Hiding ….. Getting down to Brass Taxes – Here’s the straight dope on how Uncle Sam’s new Taxes will affect you by Cpl. Richard H. Paul ….. Guadalcanal Battleground ( Photos ) ….. News From Home ….. Strictly G.I. ….. The Poets Cornered ….. Mail Call ….. Balloons Bring Them In – A convoy approaches, the balloons go up, and the balloon ships head for the open sea, hugging the channel, doing their job. It is dirty work and it is hard work, but it is helping us to win. ( Photo Series ) ….. The Sad Sack by Sgt George Baker ….. Between the Lines ….. Artie Greengroin PFC – A Jerk At Oxford ….. USA in the ETO ….. The First Fourteen – E.T.O. Turns Out Its Initial Crop of Negro Officers – William P. Murphy, William F. Duckrey, Ernest Harris, Bill Cox, Richard Davis, Kenneth Wilson, Lester Gordon, Samuel F. Coleman, Carl Pope, William A. Dyson, James Rux, Robert L. Terrell, Richard Wells and Lucius Gibson ….. YANK Pin-up Girl: Leslie Brooks ….. Cartoons