Presidential Citation Award Ceremony, Major-General Maurice Rose ….. Six C Co. Officers Came From New York State, Capt. Robert Cook, 2nd Lt. Louis A. Cannizzaro, 1st. Joseph J. Schratwieser, 2nd Lt. H.J. Lavin, 2nd Lt. Gordon Banks, 2nd. Lt. Ralph Gravrok ….. Lone Armored Division In The Pacific ….. D Co. Captured 88’s With Crews at Guns ….. 3rd Armored to stay In ETO until 1946 ….. Muhlheim — City of Windmills ….. Something German Made Is Good, Sgt. Ardis L. George “Curly” kills 6 Germans with Sturmgewehr ….. Pfc. Fredric T. Pizzarelli ….. Entering Cologne overpass sign ….. “Call Me Spearhead” by Pfc. Edwin G. Johannsen ….. I Company, Pfc Francis Marino