Vol. IV No. 5 ……. Cover: High over one of Greenland’s icy fjords is the yellow JM-1 shown on the front cover. The designation is U.S. Navy terminology for the more famous B-26 Marauder of the U.S. Army. The JM-1 is a many-purpose ship in the Navy’s service. The picture is from an Official U.S. Navy color transparency. ……. Articles Inside: … Quality is the Password ( Charlie Pritchard ) ….. What’s All the Cheering About? ….. Adventure in Crete – Almost certain capture awaited the crew of a Martin A-30 Baltimore forced down in Crete, but they landed among patriots, had a swell time and eventually got back to their squadron. Another of those “impossible” true stories. By F/L W. K. Robertson ….. Can You Top This? ….. Fix ‘Em on the Spot – Navy seaplane tenders are keeping the PBM Mariners in the air by going into advanced areas to make repairs. A Martin service man who spent nine months aboard one, tells how they do things. ….. A Mariner Brought It Out! ( The Joe Rosenthal picture of the flag raising on Iwo Jima ) ….. Catching Trouble at its Sources – The Cleveland Division of the Martin Company inspects some 60 percent of all rough forgings and castings, most of which are made nearbythereby saving tremendous amounts of time and shipping space by culling defective parts. ….. Flying Schoolroom – The Mars, world’s largest flying boat, came “home” last month to become a winged laboratory, where those who will man the 20 sister ships now building will learn to fly and service them ….. Star Lighting the Girls ….. In the Good Old Salad Time ….. Photo Pages ….. Hobbies – Doll Furniture, Acting and Statues ….. Omaha to Tokyo Via B-29 ….. Saving Scrap with Scrap – Scrap is saved so it can be put to some other use. An ingenious idea built a rivet-sorting machine from scrap to save rivets that had dropped on the floor. ….. It’s Easy…If You Just Know How!… – Gardening ….. Martin Star Players ….. The Martin Family Album ….. The Martin Girl ….. Martin-Nebraska News in Brief ….. Tools for the Hands that Build