Vol. 35 No. 5 ……. Cover: Our cover shows a 240-mm howitzer of the 698th FA BN in position near San Pietro, Italy. ….. Articles:
One Year of Combat with the 240s By Lt. Col. C. V. Clifton, FA
Artillery Reconnaissance (Arty/R) By Capt. Paul L. Miller, FA
Know Your P.I By Maj. F. L. Johanns, Jr., FA
Let PWs Help You Plan Your Fires By Lt. Carl F. Maples, FA
Firing Non-Standard Ammunition
Perimeters in Paragraphs By Col. Conrad H. Lanza
Resume of Action of the 18th FA BN
B Battery’s Belgian Baptism
F.A.S. Events
TD Reconnaissance at Anzio By Capt. Lewis A. Clarke, FA
T.D. Battle Lessons
Time Fire Over Tanks By Lt. Col. David G. McIntosh, III, FA
Armored Wire By Maj. Arnold M. Anderson, FA
155 – How Combat Positions
With Carbine and Transit By Maj. E. A. Raymond, FA
De-Tracking Targets
Battle of the Tagbong River By Lt. William P. O’Connor, FA
Field Expedients in Radio Communication in Italy By Capt. Frederick C. Spann, FA, and T/4 Stephen Barabas, FA
Countermortar Operations By Maj. Arthur J. Peterson, FA
North Luzon By Col. Conrad H. Lanza
Trends in Field Artillery Organization and Equipment By Maj. Shirley B. Metzger, FA
Not in the Book
Diary of War Events
For Heroism and Service
Book Reviews