September 1944 Vol. 1 No. 9 28 pages
Cover: A-13 Pressure Demand Mask
Official Photo U.S. Army Air Forces
Articles in this Issue:
Pressure Breathing
By Lt. Col. A. P. Gagge, AC, and Capt. S. C. Allen, AC
Aero Medical Laboratory, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio
Professional Division Office of The Air Surgeon
Use of the Sulfonamicles
Notes from a Flight Surgeon in China
Capt. Joseph C. Elia, MC Fourteenth Air Force
Crash-Rescue Procedures
Lt. Col. Colvem D. Henry, MC* and Lt Henry L. Coble, AC
Lakeland Army Air Field, Florida
Improvised Medical Chests For Crash Ambulances
Maj. Roger G. Magruder, MC and Maj. Glen K. Folger, MC, Sheppard Field, Texas
The Editor’s Page
The Air Surgeon’s Letter
Psychiatry of Orthopedic Problems
Maj. Charles IV. Miller, Jr.
MC, San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center, Texas
Helicopter in Air Evacuation
Maj. D. M. Clark, MC
Aero Medical Laboratory Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio
Medical Trailer
Lt. Col. Ramsay B. Thomas, MC, Key Field, Meridian
Mississippi, and Maj. Thomas’. H. Smith, MC,
Esler Field, Alexandria, Louisiana
Acute And Chronic
Suprapatellar Tenosynovitis and Fascitis in Pilots of Heavy Bombers
Capt. William II. Conway, MC, Fifteenth Air Force
Bombardier’s Palsy
Capt. George J. Laird, MC and Capt. M. J. Mueller, MC
Carlsbad Army Air Field New Mexico
An Anoxia Accident in the 8th Air Force
Capt. Gordon W. Wormley, MC, Eighth Air Force
Report of Accidents from Anoxia
Capt. H. B. Burchell, MC, School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas
Bed Frame & Litter for Handling Fracture of the Spine
Maj. Thomas H. Clark, MC, Tonopah Army Air Field, Nevada
Litter Loading Device
Lt. Col. John M. Collins, MC
Hq AAF, Air Transport Command, Washington, D.C.
(Major Leslie L. Blau, Mr. John F. Warren)
RAF Medical Services and Their Contribution to the War Effort
The Prophylaxis And Therapeusis Of Clostridial Infections (Gas Gangrene)
A. II. Dowdy, R. L. Sewell, and J. G. Vincent
Nat. Research Council, Div. of Med. Sci.,
Com. on Av. Med., Report No. 299 (6 May) 1944
Inhibition Of Growth Of Typhus Rickettsiae In The Yolk Sac By Penicillin
D. Greiff
Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med. 55:116-9 (Feb.) 1944
Production of Potent Inactivated Vaccines with Ultraviolet Irradiation
III. An Abbreviated Preliminary Report on a Completely Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine (Lansing Strain Virus) in Mice
A. Milzer, F. Oppenheimer, and S. O. Levinson J.A.M.A. 125:704-5 ( 8 Jul.) 1944
Meningococcic Conjunctivitis
F. H. Theodore and P. F. Kost
Arch, of Ophth. 31:245-7 (Mar.) 1944
Retained Missiles in the Buttocks and Gas Gangrene
H. Brandt
Deut. Militararzt 8:295-7 (May) 1943
Abs. in Bull, of War Med. 4:375-6 (Mar.) 1944
Experiences in The Systemic Administration of Penicillin
IL V. Morgan, R. V. Christie, and I . A. Roxburgh
Brit. M. J. 1:515-6 (15 Apr.) 1944
Abs. in Med. J. Abs. 4:912 (June) 1944
Statistically Valid Tests of Drugs and Other Factors Affecting the Resistance of Mice to Acceleration
H. Lamport, E. C. Hoff, and L. P. Herrington
Nat. Research Council, Div. of Med. Sci.,
Com. on Av. Med., Report No. 298
(15 Mar.) 1944
Effects of Exercise with Positive Pressure Breathing and Anoxia
A. L. Barack, W. L. Bloom, M. Eckman, C. Fox, C. C. Rumsey, and E. Somkin
Nat. Research Council, Div. of Med. Sci.,
Com. on Av. Med., Report No. 293
(31 Mar.) 1944
Studies of Positive Pressure Breathing
A. L. Barach, W. L. Bloom, M. Eckman C. Rule, and C. C. Rumsey
Nat. Research Council, Div. of Med. Sci.,
Com. on Av. Med., Report No. 280
(14 Feb.) 1944
“Dumbo” Operations: Air-Sea Rescue
Burned News Letter. Aviation Supplement
(26 May) 1944
Method of Application of Drugs to the Nasal Mucosa
D. B. Buller and A. C. Ivy
Arch. Otolaryng. 39:109-23 (Feb.) 1944
Fulminating Meningococcic Infection With Bilateral Massive Adrenal Hemorrhage
H. S. Martland
Arch. Path. 37:147-58 (Feb.) 1944
The Bulletin Board
Standards of Physical Examination During Mobilization
Reports of Injuries to Military Personnel
Field Artillery—Supervision of Physical Condition of Liaison Pilots
Neurotropic Virus Diseases