The Air Surgeon’s Bulletin
January 1944 Volume 1 No. 1 28 Pages
Cover: Major General David N. W. Grant, The Air Surgeon, is a member of the Air Staff of the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, and as such is charged with the responsibility of planning and directing (1) operation and supply of all AAF medical services and facilities, (2) aero medical research program, (3) air evacuation of the sick, injured and wounded, (4) convalescent training and rehabilitation programs, (5) preparation of a history of military aviation medicine. Born in Richmond, Va., on May 14, 1891, General Grant received his M.D. at the University of Virginia in 1915. He entered active duty as a Medical Reserve Corps officer in 1916, and in the following year was appointed First Lieutenant in the Regular Army. During World War I he served in Panama, and for a short time in stations in the United States. He was promoted to Captain and Major in 1918, and in 1919 took command of the Sanitary Train which joined the Army of Occupation in Germany. After tours of duty at various stations following the war, he attended the School of Aviation Medicine in 1931 and was stationed at Randolph Field, Texas, for the subsequent five years. Following attendance at the Air Forces Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala., and the Chemical Warfare School, Edgewood Arsenal, Md., General Grant was appointed Chief of the Medical Division, Office, Chief of the Air Corps in 1939, and in 1941 was promoted to Colonel. Upon reorganization of the Army of the United States, he was appointed The Air Surgeon. He was promoted to Brig. General in 1942 and to Major General in 1943. In 1940, General Grant went to England as Medical Military Air Observer, and since that time has made inspection trips in all theaters of operations.
The Army Air Forces Medical Services
A Two Year Review
By Major General David N. W. Grant, The Air Surgeon
Internal Injuries* of Personnel Involved in Aircraft Accidents
*This study was made in cooperation with The Surgeon, Army Air Forces Gulf Coast Training Center and the Director of the Laboratory of Pathology, Brooke General Hospital.
By Capt. George M. Hass, M. C., School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas
The Flight Surgeon’s Oath
Effects Of Instantaneous Decompression On Animals
By P. Bergeret And P. Giordan
Clinical Test For Dark Adaptation
By V. P. Flynn
The Effect of Flight Upon Hearing
By P. A. Campbell
Medical Service With Parachute Regiments
By D. E. Thomas
The Air Surgeon’s Bulletin
A Message From The Air Surgeon
A Concise Description of the Demand Oxygen System
By Capt. L. D. Carlson, A. C., Aero Medical Laboratory, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio
Kit, First Aid, Aeronautic
General Care And Treatment of Burns
By Major Bruce M. Hogg, M. C. AAF Regional Station Hospital No. 1, Coral Gables, Florida
A Sterilization Apparatus For Field Use
By Capt. Lawrence Braslow, M. C. 5th Air Force
Summary Of Medical Statistics, U. S. Army Air Forces, Continental U. S.
October 1943 (Five Weeks—25 Sept-30 Oct.)
Hot Food Cart
By Lieut. Charles R. Lafferty, M. A. C. Army Air Base, Great Falls, Montana
Summary Of Venereal Disease Rates, U. S. Army Air Forces, Continental U. S.
October 1943 (Five Weeks—25 Sept-30 Oct.)
Aerial Evacuation Of Casualties In The Western Desert
Capt. John F. Blalock, M. C. AAF Redistribution Center, No. 2, Miami Beach, Florida
Physical Training for Flyers
By Peter V. Karpovich, M. D. School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas
The Bulletin Board