Paris 1944 11 16 (PDF)


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Vol. 1 No. 116
Nazis Retire on 4 Fronts ….. 3 New Forts Fall as Metz Gap Closes ….. White Flag Flies At Thionville ….. Churchill Sees Long Fight ….. Wild Rush On Smokes Back Home ….. SHAEF Tobacco Sales Halted by Eisenhower ….. Leaders Agree to End 3-Day Aircraft Strike ….. Brooklyn Says Noel Coward Slurred Its Fighting Men ….. Big Leaguers Will Tour ETO ….. Snow Blankets 7th Army Gains ….. Heavy Fly-Bomb Raid Wrecks London Homes ….. Con-Mean Apes a Soldier, Makes a Monkey Out of the Army ….. Photo: First Taste of Snow for Hawaiian – Born Nisei ( Pvt. James Miyake and Pvt. Ralph Chinaka )