Vol. XXXVI No. 5 ……. Cover: In your younger days you probably read the fairy tale about the Erl King; here he is – the Oil (pronounced “Erl” in Brooklyn) King, Lloyd R. Osbaker, F2c, plying his oilcan aboard the USS Sacramento. John S. Ervin Photo ……. Articles inside this issue: … Traditions of the Navy by C. W. Windas ….. Our Naval Views and Comments by The Editor ….. The Navy’s Reserve by Lieut. (j.g.) Shirley P. Claud, USNR ….. You Can’t Beat the Navy by Sidney Bindler ….. Q Boat – She Looked Like a Sinking Freighter but When an Enemy Battleship Came Along to Investigate All Hell Broke Loose. By Ernest E. Clark ….. Sailor’s Snapshots ( Prize winning photos by Sailors ) By Bob White ….. You Go First – Crowds–You Can’t Get Away From Them. By William L. Gerber ….. The Navy’s Cute Boy – The Great Tom Sharkey is as Much a Navy Tradition in His Frield as Jones, Farragut, et al. in Theirs. By Harvey L ( “Heinie” ) Miller ….. The Grapes of (Throop’s) Wrath by Anol’ Timer ….. To You, Navy! Song by Boyd Rowden ….. Psychological Aspects of Navy Life – Why Do You Tend to Think and Act Differently After You Enter the Navy? A Navy Man Who Man Who Knows the Navy Man’s Viewpoint Discusses Why You Do What You Do in the Navy. By Norman Dilley ….. The Bismarck-Hood-Airplane Controversy – Once a Hunter Shot a Rabbit’s Eye Out With a .22–But He Never Did It Again. By John Bunyan Atkins ….. Two Hundred and Ninety New Greyhounds – A Review of Our Modern Destroyers Built and Building and Their Motive Power. By Jay Launer ….. Not the Sword but the Hat by Paul Twitchell ….. Roundup on the War – and Naval Aspects of the European Situation. By Fletcher Pratt ….. A Counter Admiral by C. M. Litteljohn ….. Naval Cancels and Cachets by Marshall R. Hall ….. Salt Shakers by Walt Munson ….. Bulletin Board of Naval Interest ….. Pertinent Paragraphs – Sports Notes by Pop Jones ….. Athletics in the Fleet by Harry Dwyer ….. Nevada Wins CPO Baseball Trophy by Ceekay ….. Robert C. Fay Joins Our Navy Staff ….. Personnel Information ….. Book Reviews ….. Third Division Takes Pennsy Boxing Crown by Harry Dwyer ….. Notes of Interest ….. Singles vs. Marrieds Battle Page ….. Beneath the Surface by Guy Leland Fisher ….. The Skipper and the Boot by Jack Watson ….. USS Holland on Third Cover